Sanger Metal
Main Page > Products > > G-2140 / S-2140 - ALLOY BOLT TYPE ANCHOR SHACKLES



G-2140 meets the performance require-
ments of Federal Specification RR-C-
271D, Type IVA, Grade B, Class 3, excep
for those provisions required of the 
contractor.  For additional information, 
see page 361.
G-2140 meets the performance require- ments of Federal Specification RR-C- 271D, Type IVA, Grade B, Class 3, excep for those provisions required of the contractor. For additional information, see page 361.

  • Quenched and Tempered.
  • Alloy bows, Alloy bolts.
  • Forged Alloy Steel 30 thru 175 metric tons.
    Cast Alloy Steel 200 thru 400 metric tons.
  • Working Load Limit is permanently shown on every shackle.
  • All sizes are individually proof tested to 2.0 times the Working
    Load Limit.
  • Pins are galvanized and painted red.
  • Shackles are Quenched and Tempered and can meet DNV
    impact requirements of 42 joules at -20 C.
  • Crosby products meet or exceed all requirements of ASME
    B30.26 including identification, ductility, design factor, proof
    load and temperature requirements. Importantly, Crosby
    products meet other critical performance requirements including
    fatigue life, impact properties and material traceability, not
    addressed by ASME B30.26.
  • Shackles 200 metric tons and larger are provided as follows.
  • Non Destructive Tested
  • Serialized Pin and Bow
  • Material Certification (Chemical)
  • Magnetic Particle Inspected.
  • Certification must be requested at time of order.

Stock No.
С-2140 S-2140 А В С D Е F G Н J К L А Е
1-1/2 30 1021110 1021129 8,52 60,5 92,0 41,1 41,4 146 35,3 175 197 254 98,5 39,1 3,30 6,35
1-3/4 40 1021138 1021147 15,4 73,0 106 57,0 50,8 178 44,5 225 230 313 127 46,7 3,30 6,35
2 55 1021156 1021165 23,6 82,5 122 61,0 57,2 197 51,0 253 264 348 146 53,0 3,30 6,35
2-1/2 85 1021174 1021183 43,5 105 145 79,0 69,9 267 66,5 327 344 453 184 69,0 6,35 6,35
3 120 1021192 - 81 127 165 92,0 82,6 330 76,0 365 419 546 200 79,0 6,35 6,35
3-1/2 †150 1021218 - 120 133 203 105 95,3 372 95,5 419 483 625 229 92,0 6,35 6,35
4 †175 1021236 - 153 140 229 116 108 368 102 468 502 626 254 104 6,35 6,35
4-3/4** † 200 1021414 - 204 184 267 152 121 397 95,5 533 521 743 279 114 6,35 6,35
5 ** † 250 1021432 - 272 216 305 165 127 508 98,5 622 558 889 330 114 6,35 6,35
6 ** †| 300 1021450 - 352 213 305 172 152 495 129 635 618 895 330 127 6,35 6,35
7 ** † 400 1021478 - 500 210 356 184 178 572 165 660 710 1022 330 152 6,35 6,35
* Note: Maximum Proof Load is 2.0 times the Working Load Limit. Minimum Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit on 200 thru 400
metric Tons. For sizes 30 thru 175 metric Tons, Minimum Ultimate Load is 5.4 times the Working Load Limit.
** Cast Alloy Steel.
† Furnished with Round Head Bolts with welded handle.
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