Sanger Metal


McKissick Products, Tulsa, Ok
Lebus Manufacturing, Longview, TX
National Swage, Jacksonville, AR
Crosby Canada, Brampton, Ontario
N.V. Crosby Europe, Putte, Belgium
McKissick Products, Tulsa, Ok Lebus Manufacturing, Longview, TX National Swage, Jacksonville, AR Crosby Canada, Brampton, Ontario N.V. Crosby Europe, Putte, Belgium
Third Party Certification
By Product

Third Party certification provides one or more of the following services:
• Inspection
• Certification Service
• Testing Service
This Certification can be confirmed to their standards, the customer’s standards, or the manufacturer’s own standards. Crosby, if requested at time of order, will work with you to certify any of our products to any third party organization.


  • THIRD PARTY CERTIFICATION that the Crosby Group meets the rigorous requirements of ISO 9001.

  • THIRD PARTY PROOF that Crosby’s Quality Assurance System is ongoing through a comprehensive audit program.

  • THIRD PARTY PROOF that Crosby meets the high standards of design, manufacture and service now demanded by world markets.

  • MANUFACTURING ACCOUNTABILITY. ISO 9001 certification assures you that at Crosby, “WE DO WHAT WE SAY WE DO” at all of our manufacturing facilities. This, coupled with Crosby’s omprehensive tracability system (P.I.C.) and our Material Verification Program provides total ccountability.

  • AUDIT SAVINGS – Sourcing from Crosby enables you the opportunity to reduce your time and cost associated with your audits or third party audits. This is due to the fact, that by being ISO 9001 certified, Crosby is regularly audited by a third party.

  • WORLD COMPETITIVENESS – Sourcing from Crosby will allow you to participate and be competitive in more markets throughout the world. Many major end users, who operate on a worldwide level, have already begun to require their suppliers by ISO 9000 certified or offer products that are produced by an ISO 9001 certified source.

  • A LONG TERM PARTNER - Crosby’s ability to meet ISO 9001 standards and to maintain third party certification makes it clear that the Crosby Group is a long term partner you can depend on to provide the needed product at required performance levels. The ISO 9001 certification forms a solid foundation from which we deliver all of the value added features represented by our Quality Continuum.

  • SUPPORT – Crosby will support committed distributors in their efforts to define and accomplish what is needed for them to attain ISO 9002 certification.

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