Sanger Metal

Crosby Custom Design Hooks

Customer Name: Date:
Address: City, State, Zip:
Phone: Fax:
Customer Contact Name:
Quotation Due Date: Product Delivery Date:
Crosby / McKissyck Proposal Number: Quantiny:
Frame Sieze and material Symbol:
Working Load Limit (tones)
A. Round or Hex nut
B. E. *
C. * F.

Hook Latch Kit

______________SS-4055 Flipper latch

______________PL Flapper latch

______________4320 Latch

* The minimum thread lenght engaged in the nut shoukd not be less than one (1) thread dimeter.  

For additional information conceming customer being produts, contact:

In U.S.A. - Crosby's Special Equipment Products Group at 1-800-777-1555

In Canada - Crosby Canada at (905)451-9261

In Europe - N.V. Crosby Europe at 32-15-757125(26)

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